Indie-creature Offers 

Advice Seeker

Every project is different - setting the right audio design decisions is crucial, yet challenging.

That's where we, the creatures, come in.

We sit down with you in a short Game Audio Audit - possible at any development stage, where we dive deep into the project to find the ideal audio direction that enhances the experience you want to archive.

In a brief 30-60 minute initial call , we discuss your project goals and share our professional insights to set the stage for a tailored audio journey.

Audio Artisan

After understanding your audio needs, we'll efficiently enhance and fix your project's sound, perfect for presenting prototypes. - We love to help and collaborate. .

We delve deep to pinpoint key elements that elevate gameplay immersion, with precise technical and quality improvements.

A round sound experience is vital for player enjoyment (and makes the creatures happy). We are creating new sounds, refining existing ones, help with implementation, ensuring a balanced and engaging audio experience.

Indie Hero

Unique themes that will be stuck in your head? Let your game shine through the masses with tailored musical creations.

Using a blend of layers and interactive mixes, our music paints a vivid picture of your game's world and leaving a lasting impression on players.

With expertise in integration through platforms like WWISE and FMOD , we ensure a seamless auditory experience that resonates with your audience long after the game ends.

Need an audio production estimate?

Do you need help how much budget you should plan for a project for audio or need an individual quote? Please write us an e-mail to and we will send you a dedicated proposal and working schedule for your indie game project!

We support and invest in emerging indie studios committed to realizing their groundbreaking projects! Together we enable an improved experience with a focus on each game's unique audio identity.


Our Defintion of "Indie":

Feel free to reach out if your studio:

- Is not currently attached to a major publisher
- Possesses development funding below 2 million USD
- Is committed to successfully complete and release its game
- Can share a playable prototype that will provide us with a solid idea of the finished project
- Is willing to help create development videos to demonstrate AudioCreatures' creative process
- Is willing to list AudioCreatures in the game's credits

Should you meet the above criteria, please send us a concise and detailed description of your studio and game, alongside your project's objectives, development timeline and its current status.

If you have any further questions or are unsure if your studio qualifies, feel free to reach out as well and we'll be happy to answer!